Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Syncing music with my android phone

For may years I have just used Windows Media Player(WMP) to sync all my non-Apple music devices and for the most part it does an OK job, but recently I wanted to sync a daily reading plan to my phone and I ran into several short comings of WMP.
  1. There are no playlist folders in WMP like in iTunes so managing 100s of playlists is really painful.
  2. for non-MTP devices WMP  will sync the contents of the playlist but not the playlist.
The next thing I tried is Media Monkey.  I had already been using it because it’s really good for cleaning up and organizing your media library, unfortunately the sync was worse than WMP, if I removed a playlist it would not clean up the media in that playlist that was no longer part of any other playlist.  After that I expanded my search.
App Sync
by playlist
Windows Media Player good MTP devices only no
Foobar 2000 one-shot, doesn’t remember what you synced one-shot, doesn’t remember what you synced with plugin
Songbird with foldersync with foldersync with plugin
Media Monkey partial – delete is broken yes
Winamp no
DoubleTwist proprietary proprietary no

The FolderSync plugin to songbird is what really sold me
You select the playlist you want to sync and this config is saved as a favorite.
Under the profile section you can configure how you want it synced.  Delete all other files, make playlists, etc. etc.  Just Press the down arrow to the right of the profile line.

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